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Generation Y: teach the teacher?

Emma Murray | 06 December 2011

How relevant are traditional methods of teaching to today's technology-obsessed youngsters? And what – if anything – are schools and universities doing to help 'design the future'?

The Gen Y myth

Brian Amble | 07 October 2011

We frequently hear that companies are going to have to make big changes to accommodate the disruptive ways of Gen Y. But as a new report reveals, much of the perceived wisdom about Gen Y simply nonsense.

The generation trap

Emma Murray | 11 August 2011

Generation X has a lot to worry about. Job insecurity, lack of support by the state and meagre pensions, to name but a few. And as the economic crisis drags on, it is stripping away any lingering sense of security and replacing it with a sense of fear which, for some, is all-encompassing.

Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Karsten Jonsen | 09 May 2011

Many generations have said 'today's young people only think of themselves,' but this time around it may be true. So is 'Generation Me' a real phenomenon – and if it is, what are the implications for business and society?

Gen Y and the 2020 organization

James M. Kerr | 17 January 2011

In less than a decade from now, Gen Y will be firmly entrenched within the management layers of most large corporations. But what this will mean for organizations and what changes will Gen Y bring with them as they begin to steer the ship?

The value of older workers

Janet Howd | 14 April 2010

Whatever approach an organisation takes to embrace its older employees, there is no escaping the fact that this must be done. The demographic time bomb is still ticking away in the background and there is no sign of a boost in birth rates defusing it any time soon.

The missing trainees

Jorgen Thorsell | 31 March 2010

Are far as most mature workers are concerned, formal training programmes are a big turn-off. So how can organisations overcome training fatigue and offer staff in their mid-forties and beyond training and development that meets their real needs?

Presenting work to best advantage.

Janet Howd | 22 March 2010

A common complaint these days is that new entrants into the workforce don't want to put any effort into learning new skills. Nonsense. The real problem is that mangers are unable to tap into their obvious and zealous work ethic.

Managing the generation gap

Des Dearlove & Stuart Crainer | 04 January 2010

Tammy Erickson is an author and expert on organizations and the changing workforce and, in particular, the generational differences between workers today. She spoke to Des Dearlove about the best ways to unite generations into a productive workforce.

Stop downturn stereotyping, managers advised

Barry Wade | 17 August 2009

A sharp spike in age discrimination claims on both sides of the pond could be eased by managers considering how they stereotype older workers, a leading academic claims.

How to stop your 'snow birds' flying

Nic Paton | 30 July 2009

Rather than just clipping the wings of older 'snow bird' workers, managers should use them as mentors, give them access to learning and be more flexible about how they work

Middle-aged managers most vulnerable to redundancy

Nic Paton | 14 July 2009

With new research suggesting that it may be 2013 before we start to see any significant upturn in employment, middle-aged managers in their 40s and 50s will remain especially vulnerable to the axe.

Managing millennials

Peter Vajda | 06 July 2009

There's no question that managing millennials – Generation Y - is a hot topic. Many of my generation view Gen Y as a different species, a pain in the neck or just plain subversive. But I've never come to any of these conclusions. Why? Because I just manage them as I do any other employee.

Generation Y let down by schools and managers

Nic Paton | 18 June 2009

The demands of Generation Y are the stuff of workplace legend. But in reality, younger workers are as much let down by the education system and negative stereotyping as they are by their own failings.

Companies in denial about ageing workforce

Nic Paton | 12 June 2009

It may be a buyer's market now when it comes to hiring new talent, but the twin challenges of the ageing workforce and falling birth rates haven't gone away.

Gen Y still think the world owes them a living

Nic Paton | 28 April 2009

If you thought the recession would curb the inflated, want-it-all entitlement fantasies of Generation Y, new research suggests you'd better think again.

Heading back to work

Derek Torres | 03 April 2009

This story may be of great interest to fellow Madoff investors; there are an increasing number of programs and workshops springing up across the US to help retired people get back to work.

Mind the leadership gap

Nic Paton | 23 February 2009

Many things are hard to predict right now. The imminent departure of the Baby Boomer generation into retirement should not be one of them. So why are so many U.S firms bracing themselves for a leadership and skills vacuum at the top?

How to turn on Generation Y

Cindy Wahler | 27 January 2009

Employers often lament that Millennials don't work hard, lack commitment, are devoid of loyalty, indulged and require excessive praise. But they're mistaken. Employers just need to change their mindsets.

Gen Y happy to knuckle down

Nic Paton | 08 December 2008

They've been slated as lazy, over-indulged, demanding slackers. But Generation Y is not really that different from generations past, new research argues.

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