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Twelve ways to cure procrastination

Jurgen Wolff | 16 January 2018

The number one reason we often fail to achieve what we know in our hearts we could is procrastination. Here are a a variety of approaches to help you confront what can be a complicated beast.

Resolutions and the blame game

Peter Vajda | 01 January 2018

This year, as every year, almost everyone who make New Year's resolutions will have given up or failed by Valentine's Day. And that's because we get stuck in a victim mentality that stops us following through on our intentions.


Duane Dike | 09 November 2017

What exactly is intelligence? Is it something measured by an IQ test? Or should we also consider more subtle traits like humor, the ability to figure things out or storytelling?

Confessions of an ENFP lion-otter hybrid

Wayne Turmel | 01 September 2017

I have officially taken every personality profile known to man. Other than telling me that I'm an ENFP, Independent-Working Blue-Green Lion-Otter hybrid, the one thing they have in common is unanimous agreement that I DO have a personality.

Why empathy makes for stronger organisations

Manfred Kets De Vries | 17 August 2017

The ability of executives to see themselves from the outside and others from the inside, plays an important role in effective team formation.

Quantum physics and quarky behavior

Kieran Hearty | 31 July 2017

If you want to understand some of the less acceptable aspects of human nature the answer may lie in quantum physics. And the same ‘quarkiness’ that explains bad behavior can also be used to energize and motivate those around us.

The truth about change

Peter Vajda | 05 July 2017

The reason change so often fails is that we resist letting go of old ideas and beliefs. But you cannot change and remain the same. Change means the letting go of the old and encouraging something new to develop. And that's as true for organizations as it is for individuals.

Not negotiable! Why business must negotiate more effectively

Tony Hughes | 01 December 2016

Most people, in most circumstances, negotiate badly, most of the time. But negotiation skills can be learned. Here's how to negotiate more effectively, whatever the shape or size of your organisation.

Encouraging others to do what you want

Val Nichols | 31 October 2016

Having a job title doesn’t make you a leader. If you want other people to follow you, you first have to enlist their support. And that means that you need to build your influencing skills.

The magic of early mornings

Max McKeown | 18 August 2016

Time is the same for everyone. Yet time is used and experienced very differently. Some people make time, others are crushed by it.

The road to Rio: three powerful leadership lessons

John Blakey | 27 July 2016

The road to Rio represents four years of dedication, hard work and suffering for thousands of athletes from around the world. But working with Olympic sports coaches can also offer valuable lessons for those of us leading businesses.

Learning from Demosthenes

Wayne Turmel | 27 July 2016

If you’re looking for a role model for how to conduct yourself as a business person and a human being, my vote is for a lawyer who pounded the streets of ancient Athens 2300 years ago. Yup, Demosthenes is my boy.

Select your confidants carefully

Duane Dike | 07 March 2016

No-one operates effectively in isolation. That’s why we all need trusted compatriots to teach us how to think, help us to see things differently and to keep us out of trouble.

Why you need equanimity

Peter Vajda | 04 March 2016

For many of us, stress is a wrapper surrounding our lives. Surrounded by crisis and conflict, it is easy to be knocked off course. What we need instead is is equanimity - the evenness of mind under stress.

The four keys to personal humility

John Blakey | 03 December 2015

What does it mean to demonstrate professional will and personal humility, not as an isolated leadership technique, but as a personal mantra for living? Jim Collins’ level 5 leadership model has the answer.

The power of negativity

Clayton Ainger | 06 November 2015

In a world obsessed with positive thinking, negativity gets a bad rap. So it’s easy to ignore the fact that negativity has meaning and that we experience it because we are unhappy with some aspect of our lives.

Confidence the key to successful negotiations

Brian Amble | 30 July 2015

Under-confident negotiators achieve a successful outcome in just one in five of the negotiations they’re involved in, new research has found.

Better stoned than multitasking?

Wayne Turmel | 14 July 2015

Multitasking, we’re told, makes you even less effective than you would be if you were stoned on marijuana. But how can you reduce the negative effects of gadget overload when most of your communication relies on technology?

When management meets emotional intelligence

Sandrine Frémeaux | 05 June 2015

The fine balance any emotionally intelligent leader has to strike is to take into account basic human needs without being tempted to institutionalise them. And the the most important element in this is the example set by a leader’s own actions.

Self-help or self-serving?

Sarah Alexander | 19 May 2015

Self-help in its various forms is a multi-billion dollar business. But it’s a house built on sand, peddling hugely over-simplified ideas that risk creating more problems than they solve. Here are some self-help sacred cows it would be better to out out to pasture.

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