Seeing the world through the eyes of Gen Y

Nov 19 2008 by Dawna Jones Print This

Gen Y appears to mystify companies who are used to interpreting the world a different way. So here we explore the creative and intuitive world of Gen Y through the eyes of someone who isn't waiting until he retires to do what he loves to do.

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Gen Y appears to mystify companies who are used to interpreting the world through a different way of thinking. This two part series of interviews explores the creative and intuitive world of the co-founders of Opportunitas Aequa who aren't waiting until they retire to do what they love to do.

In this interview, Gavin Hollet talks about what inspires him and how he finds working with senior executives. Gain insight into the value of seeing the world through different lenses and how we, as individuals and companies, play a role in the world and are a part of it at the same time – a more holistic perspective than the one inherited from industrial times.


Evolutionary Provocateur

Dawna Jones
Dawna Jones

The Evolutionary Provocateur bi-monthly show is for executives, managers, and supervisors (OR for leaders at all levels) who have noticed that it is not what you know but who you are that has the biggest impact.

Dawna Jones, the show's host, believes that by raising awareness and understanding we can make a quantum leap to a new level of innovation in business - but it has to be done collectively.

What better way to do it than by provoking the evolution of how you see yourself and your role!

Find out more about Dawna at