Are you a firecracker or a dud?

Jul 04 2014 by Peter Vajda Print This Article

On this holiday weekend in the midst of fireworks and fun, leisure and lightness, fun and frolic, how about taking a few minutes of quiet and solitude to reflect on how you're doing as a leader, manager or supervisor.

Is your leadership, management or supervisory behavior cause for celebration? Are you a firecracker who inspires those around you to sparkle or a dud who rains on their parade? To help you find the answer, here are 25 simple statements to rate yourself against. Think about them them on a scale where:

3 = Always

2 = Usually or Often

1 = Reasonably

0 = Rarely or never

  1. My mission, objectives, and goals reflect my highest values and principles.
  2. My vision and values are in alignment with my organization's mission and values.
  3. My team is committed to achieving our company's goals and objectives.
  4. I lead my people by example. I walk my talk. I am in integrity.
  5. I have the knowledge, skills and resources necessary to perform my tasks effectively.
  6. My team members have the knowledge, skills and resources to be optimally productive.
  7. My team members understand the benefits of collaborating to move in a unified direction.
  8. I observe on-the-job activity and am available for questions and feedback.
  9. My team members establish priorities for tasks to be accomplished.
  10. I listen carefully to my team members and encourage them to express their opinions.
  11. I resolve conflict as it occurs, and consider the best interests of all concerned.
  12. I inform my team members immediately about changes, policies, and procedures that affect them.
  13. I am firm and fair-minded when dealing with my co-workers.
  14. I have the best interests of my co-workers in mind.
  15. I recognize optimal performance, and express appreciation in a timely manner.
  16. I delegate responsibility, accountability, and authority effectively.
  17. My team members receive adequate training, coaching and participation on the job.
  18. When I delegate a task, I trust my co-workers can do the job and I do not interfere.
  19. I encourage initiative, involvement, and innovation from my co-workers.
  20. I use constructive feedback to optimize the productivity of co-workers.
  21. My decisions are consistent with corporate policies, procedures, and objectives.
  22. I take calculated risks, and develop contingency plans for major decisions.
  23. I develop objectives and performance standards with my people.
  24. I systematically evaluate the performance of my people.
  25. I motivate my people to do their best on the job.

Looking at your answers, how would you rate yourself as a leader or manager? As a real firecracker, a dud, or somewhere in between? Why? And what about other people? How would they rate you? Do you know? Do you care?

Casting your mind back to this time last year, have you made any positive changes that have improved your leadership or management capabilities? What about making some this year?

And a bonus question. Do you depend on alcohol, drugs, excessive intake of food, sugar, caffeine, or other external stimulants to enjoy this holiday? Could you experience true and real joy, peace, pleasure, happiness and OK-ness without these? What would your experience be like this holiday without dependence on external sources or stimulants to give you a boost or to artificially make you feel joyful or happy?

Are you willing to try this? If not, why not?

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About The Author

Peter Vajda
Peter Vajda

Peter G. Vajda, Ph.D, C.P.C. is a seminar leader, workshop facilitator and speaker. He is the founding partner of True North Partnering, an Atlanta-based company that supports conscious living through coaching, counselling and facilitating.