Mid-summer Brainstorm

Jun 23 2005 by Jurgen Wolff Print This Article

The summer has finally arrived, with sizzling temperatures here in

London. Half the year already gone? How could that be? Well, here are

some ideas for making the most of our valuable and elusive time:


We all know how easy it is to fall into a routine, do the same things

over and over again, and rely on others to do our thinking for us.

Unfortunately, there's little in the way of innovation and creativity

along those routes. One way to stay sharp and to come up with new ideas

is to take the time to question what 'everybody' says.

One recent example: I was sent an email selling a new subliminal

program. 'Everybody knows how powerful this method is,' the message

said, and it cited a study that showed that in a cinema that flashed

subliminal messages about drinking and eating, the sales of popcorn and

Coca Cola shot up.

I looked this up, using Google, and guess what? The

study was a hoax, and the (fake) results were published in a book by

Vance Packard, which is now still quoted as the truth.

We know the cost of not questioning what 'they' are saying ('weapons of

mass destruction,' anyone?) at the international level, but how much is

it costing us at the personal level, too? What could we be doing better

if we started questioning more?

ACTION: Schedule an "oh yeah?" day soon. On that day, periodically

question what you're doing and how and why. Is it still serving you, or

is it just habit? Is it really worth doing, or are you doing it because

'everybody' is doing it, or because once upon a time 'they' told you

this was the right thing to do, and the right way to do it? What can

you do differently that will be more fun, or more efficient, or of

greater benefit?


In another version of questioning, you can also get a fresh perspective

on your life by pretending that you're a high-priced consultant who has

been called in to assess how to maximize the returns in your life.

With a neutral, questioning attitude, you analyze what you're doing now and

how you're doing it, where the sticking points are, where more or new

resources are needed, and so forth. This could apply to any phase of

your life: the outcome could be making a certain amount of money, or

having a good relationship with your children, or getting fit, for


Usually we see our lives in the 'associated' view - that is,

through our own eyes. When we look at them in a 'dissociated'

state - that is, as though watching them from the outside--suddenly we

get a whole different view.

ACTION: For any areas of your life in which you'd like better outcomes,

play the outside consultant. Evaluate, note what's working and what

isn't, what's needed, what has worked for other people, and then your

recommendations. Then get back into the associated state and read the

report and decide which of the recommendations you want to accept, and

begin to implement them. Periodically call in the outside consultant to

evaluate how things are going and what changes could help. You might

even make the first day of each month your appointment with the

consultant in the mirror.


Author Paulo Coehlo wrote in an issue of Ode Magazine, "Sometimes, on

TV, I see tunnels and bridges being inaugurated. Usually, a lot of

celebrities and local politicians stand in a line, in the centre of

which is the minister or local governor. Then a ribbon is cut, and when

the people in charge of the project return to their desks, they find

lots of letters expressing recognition and admiration.

"The people who sweated and worked on the project, who wielded pickaxes and spades, who laboured all through the summer heat or endured the winter cold to

finish the job, they are never seen; those who did not work by the

sweat of their brow always seem to come off best. I want to be someone

capable of seeing the unseen faces, of seeing those who do not seek

fame or glory, who silently fulfill the role life has given them."

ACTION: Spare a thought, and ideally a word (it could be 'thanks') to

the usually unseen people in your life.

Some time ago, reader Sue

Hewitt sent me the following suggestion, which is very much along these

lines: "Thank people for doing their job. The next time you see someone

sweeping the street, arranging municipal flower beds, polishing

hospital corridors, or cleaning shop windows, go up to them and thank

them for doing what they are doing. "Thanks for keeping our streets

tidy." "Thanks for making our park beautiful."

They will be surprised

and may think you are crazy, but it helps the universe to spread a

little more love and kindness around and it's FREE!" Thanks, Sue! (And

one more idea: sometimes the unthanked in our lives answer to the names

'Mum' and 'Dad'...)


Time management guru David Allen suggests that one of the best ways to

handle procrastination has two simple steps. First, decide on the

outcome you want (for example, "To have a finished report," or "To have

an organized office"). Then ask, "what is the next action I can take to

get there?" Not all the steps, just the first one. Then do it. Then

figure out the next step, and do that one.

I've found it can be very

helpful to write all this down. At the top of the page, write the

desired outcome. Then write down the first step and do it. Then write

down the next step and do that, and so forth, until you get it done, or

run out of time. If you have to continue, use the same page--seeing how

many steps you have already taken will help motivate you.

ACTION: What's one thing you're procrastinating about? Right now, write

down your desired outcome and the first small step--even if you can't

do it at this minute. Keep that piece of paper handy and the first

moment you have free, do that first step and write down the next one.

If you stop before the outcome is achieved, write down the next step so

you're primed to do it when you resume your efforts.


As reported in Utne magazine, environmental psychologist Andrea Faber

Taylor has uncovered some fascinating information about how contact

with nature can relieve anxiety and stress and help the healing


She points out that 'directed attention' (used for things like

making a presentation or writing a report) makes us tired, while

'involuntary attention' (such as meditating, or looking at nature with

no particular end in mind) gives our directed attention a chance to


She cites studies in which patients who could see trees from

their hospital beds after having gall bladder surgery needed fewer

painkillers and had shorter hospital stays than those who looked out at

walls. She did her own study of children living in public housing,

comparing those whose apartment overlooked trees and grass with those

whose view was pavement. The 'seeing-nature' kids were better able to

concentrate and control impulsive behaviour, as measured with standard

psychological tests.

ACTION: Even if you work and live in the city, make time for looking at

nature - it can be a park, just some trees, possibly even only a group

of plants in your office.


Author ("The Global Brain") Peter Russell, in an interview in Intuition


"We're on a long journey of awakening within ourselves - it's

not quick - I've been at it my whole life. The more each of us wakes up,

the more we learn, the more we have to give other people, and the more

other people give to us. It becomes a mutually supportive situation.

That sort of positive feedback is the primary ingredient toward

accelerating change."

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About The Author

Jurgen Wolff
Jurgen Wolff

Jurgen Wolff is a writer, teacher, and hypnotherapist. His goal is to help individuals liberate their own creativity through specific techniques that can be used at work as well as at home. His recent books include "Focus: the power of targeted thinking," a W. H. Smith best-seller, and "Your Writing Coach".