Just one wish

Dec 18 2008 by Print This Article

If you were able to ask your boss for just one thing this Christmas, what would it be? Over at CNN.com, Anthony Balderrama has some interesting ideas.

According to Balderrama, "Given the chance…many employees would ask the boss for simple upgrades in their daily lives. As nice as the corner office would be, signs of respect would be just as appreciated."

One worker, interviewed for the article stated, "If you could actually give me a performance review this year, that would be splendid. And maybe a cost-of-living raise. I haven't gotten either in almost two years now."

Many of those interviewed had some humorous ideas, but just beneath the surface lurk some real issues.

Take, for example, the employee who requested his boss not turn down the heat when it was sub-freezing outside. Or the woman with desires to get pregnant who suggests her boss not talk about how it's so much better to not have kids.

One employee wishes that his or her boss "speak in complete sentences" while

another asks for an office that has some sunlight. Finally, another worker asks for soundproofing on the unisex bathroom that is only a few feet away.

So remember, little things can make a big difference.
