Job horror stories

Aug 22 2008 by Print This Article

There's nothing quite like an on-the-job horror story to make you feel better about your own job. Things cannot possibly be as bad where you work if your boss or your company is not doing the crazy things people like to rant about online.

So here's a top-10 complied from across the web by

From comes the story of the "concerned employer." This employer fired both a husband and wife just after the couple bought a house and announced they were expecting their first child. The reason the company fired the husband is because they thought he would be mad because they had fired his wife.

Then there was the job applicant who visited a very old and very leaky office the night after a heavy rain. After dodging numerous buckets to catch the drips from the roof and sitting in a conference room to complete a written test she had the added indignity of the ceiling giving way and dumping buckets of water all over her and her interview suit. She promptly informed the employer she was not interested in the job.

Finally, there was the company who told the IT manager that a consultant had been brought in to see how he did things and offer suggestions for improvement. So, the IT manager sat next to the man for weeks, showing him everything he did and being on his best behavior. Then, weeks later he was fired. It turned out the company had lied to him and the man had spent weeks actually training his own replacement.

That and many other stories are available at Of course, the list of horror stories is endless on the web, but it's at least nice to know things can't be nearly that bad where you work, can it?
