Office survial strategies

Mar 11 2008 by Print This Article

With almost everything you read suggesting that the working world is getting more and more stressful, how does anyone manage to survive in the modern office without going insane?

Linda C. Dipman, in an article entitled Work Stress – 9 Tips for Surviving a Stressful Office Job, has some suggestions that could keep you healthy.

The first and second steps are pretty much the same thing. Dipman suggests that you write everything down. She recommends that the worst thing you can do is try to keep all of that stress in your head and that writing it down can help relive that tension. She suggests that one of the best things is to create to-do lists.

According to Dipman the to-do list is the key. Keeping a list of things you need to do and then reviewing it regularly can help you manage your tasks. However, one of the key points is to allow it to breathe and adapt to your work-life. For example, you can actually make room for interruptions in your list.

Dipman suggests that you not let your e-mail inbox become part of your list. In today's modern office the e-mail inbox can easily suck away most of your time.

Also, remember that not everything in your office has to be done by you. By creating a successful delegating method you can take things off of your plate and ease the weight on your shoulders.

Dipman also suggests that you take large projects a "nibble" at a time instead of trying to tackle it all at once. She also states that making time for having fun and playing can relieve stress, particularly when the deadline is looming.

While none of these tips are likely to eliminate stress entirely, they might just make dealing with the issues more easily. By learning how to manage the tension in your office, you could lead a more healthy and sane life both at work and outside the office.
