UK bosses still discriminating

Nov 16 2007 by Nic Paton Print This Article

More than half of British workers are unhappy with the way their managers and employers treat people of different religions, with nearly two thirds also feeling attitudes towards workers with a mental disability are still stuck in the dark ages.

A poll of nearly 1,000 workers by disability insurer Unum has found just 47 per cent of workers are happy with the way their employer accommodated workers with different religious beliefs, with 37 per cent saying the same thing about attitudes towards mental disability.

More optimistically for managers, the survey also found that two thirds of workers were nevertheless satisfied with their current jobs.

Bullying was another area of intense dissatisfaction, with under half saying they felt happy about how their employers tackled the problem.

Racial equality was less of an issue, with just under a third saying they were unhappy with the general approach of staff and employers alike.

Intriguingly, on gender equality, it was men that were more dissatisfied than women. Just under six out of 10 men were satisfied, rising to 64 per cent of women.

On age discrimination, more than six out of 10 were also satisfied with how their employer handled the issue.

Joanne Hindle at Unum, said: "It's against the law for an employer to discriminate against an employee because of their race, religion, gender, sexuality or a disability.

"In addition it is extremely disappointing to see that discrimination towards those with mental or physical disabilities appears to be so acutely felt by employees. Both physical and mental disability must come out of the fringes and into mainstream discussion if attitudes to disability are to change."
