The bad boss contest

Jul 12 2007 by Print This Article

Complaining about your boss seems to have taken on a whole new dimension in the internet age. Not only are there blogs, forums and chat groups dedicated solely to our managers, there are even contests. has an annual contest called, appropriately enough, the Bad Boss Contest - and it will soon be time to submit your stories for 2007.

Last year, the website claims to have received 2,500 entries. The winner was a dentist nominated by was "Cat Scratch" who was not only notoriously cheap, but bilked his employees out of money on September 11, 2001.

Apparently when several patients, understandably, canceled their appointments on that day, the good doctor decided to take $100 out of every employee's paycheck to make up for it.

No word just yet about prizes or when to submit for this year, but the site does say the second contest will start soon. So, stay tuned. If you're not careful, you could someone you know listed as the winner in 2008.
