Why is there still a gender pay gap?

Jul 04 2007 by Derek Torres Print This Article

There are days when I wake up and wonder what year we're living in. No, it's not because women are wearing hideous boots from the 1970s or because all the bands I enjoyed as a child are now reforming – albeit at age 50. No, it's because I continue to read stuff like this, despite the fact that we're well in to the 21st century.

Women in Italy (and I suspect that this applies to almost all countries) are still earning on average of €3,000 per year than men (which comes out to €250 per month). While that might not seem much to you, ask yourself if you'd like to finish the month €250 poorer?

Even more insulting is that the more accomplished the woman colleague, the greater the gulf between her salary and her male counterpart. Women who are managers (thus more experienced, often with an advanced degree, etc.) can earn up to €12,000 less per year than a man.

What's the rationale? Women will have children or have to take care of their elderly parents and will therefore be less productive at the office. Having worked on several continents, I can confirm that a lack of productivity at the office is not unique to the female gender.

Doubtless there will be a few out there who read this and think "so what?" For fellas who feel that this type of treatment is both justified and professional, let me ask you this: how much better off would your household be if you missus brought home an extra €12,000 a year?

And how much happier would your wife, daughter, or sister be if her efforts at the office were paid their just due? When it comes to appreciating one's work, there's only one way to let it be known - via the paycheck. Let's not let ego or machismo get in the way of women getting what they've worked for.