Interesting times

Jun 25 2007 by Derek Torres Print This Article

These are interesting times to be an American worker. With negotiations set to get underway in Detroit for a new labor contract, we also have the continuing debate about the Employee Free Choice Act going on in the Senate.

This bill would allow American workers to form and participate in a union if they so choose – without harassment or fear of reprisals from management.

While the word "union" has become a dirty word, especially in the minds of white collar employees, it is still a basic tenet of American labor and one that should carry on well in to the future.

Unfortunately, important pieces of legislation like the Employee Free Choice Act aren't frequently discussed among most of my colleagues and contemporaries. But we'd all do well to remember that unless we don't need that paycheck to live on, then we're all working class.

For the 98 per cent of us that do rely on our salaries, we should be following this legislation closely and see how it could potentially improve our professional lives.

It's becoming a sad fact of life in America that our waistlines are getting bigger, but our workplace protections and purchase power are steadily decreasing. While this bill won't necessarily save the dwindling middle class, it will certainly help preserve it a little longer.

It will be interesting to see if well-fed, bought off politicians will continue the same lame meme that this act "takes away worker's right to the secret ballot." Rigggghhhttt… I'm sure that's the issue.

Want more info? A copy of the bill is here.
