Think before you blog

Oct 25 2006 by Brian Amble Print This Article

Here's an interesting perspective on the potential dangers of blogging courtesy of

a letter to the Financial Times from Dan Williamson, Head of Content at digital consultancy Cimex.

Blogging, he warns, represents a "weapon of mass destruction" that threatens to jeopardise the future of thousands of young career hopefuls.

How so?

There is very little guarantee that a blogger can properly delete his (or her) adolescent ramblings later on in life. Content may continue to haunt a jobseeker, thanks to cached pages on search engines and the blogging community's tendency to borrow content from other sites and republish it as their own. The ability to publish and distribute one's own thoughts and ramblings to millions around the world with minimal effort or cost is clearly an attractive premise, but more must be done to educate young web users about the potential dangers.
