Website helps mothers find family-friendly jobs

Jun 21 2006 by Brian Amble Print This Article

Last year we spotted a wonderfully-named Canadian website,, launched to address the job search needs of women wanting to find a family-friendly employer.

Now a UK equivalent, has been launched with the aim of becoming "the essential recruitment site for employers wanting to fill part-time or job share posts with high calibre professionals."

Since launching just month ago over 500 women have registered with and over 130 jobs have been posted. In May alone the site received 130,000 hits and is currently receiving 4,500 hits daily.

The site is the brainchild of West London women Selina Smith and Kristina Abdat. The women decided to start their own business after talking to other mothers outside the school gates and finding that many were highly qualified but struggling to find flexible jobs that utilised their skills.

Former geography teacher, Selina, says: "Jobs4mothers is providing a much-needed matching service for employers and returning mothers. We feel mothers are a great invisible workforce, reliable, mature, and hard working with tremendous skills - they are an untapped pool of highly trained and skilled workers."

"This is a real waste of women's training and education, "says Selina, "but things are changing - work-life balance is a hot political issue and we're delighted at the number of employers who've come on board."
