CIPD urges caution on employee rights review

Jul 15 2002 by Brian Amble Print This Article

Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, launched a review of the Employment Relations Act 1999 at the CIPD Employment Law Conference 2002 on July 12.

The Review will look at compulsory trade union recognition measures, although changes will be limited according to the DTI. The CIPD expresses caution about the initiative.

Diane Sinclair, Lead Public Policy Adviser, responded, “The law is working

well at the moment and is finely balanced between employers and employees;

for instance many trade unions are currently winning claims under the Act.

We hope that the government allows this legislation to bed down before

changes are considered.”

The DTI has also launched a consultation document today on implementing

the EU Directive on informing and consulting staff in the UK.

Sinclair comments, “We are pleased that the Government is consulting at an

early stage. It is critical that the resulting law in the UK reflects the

importance of economic and business performance, as well as fair treatment

of employees. “

The information and consultation directive will give employees the right

to be informed and consulted on the development of business activities and

changes to work organisation and contractual relations.

It is due to come into effect in the UK for organisations of more than 150

staff by March 2005 and for smaller organisations by March 2008.

Organisations employing less than 50 people are likely to be excluded.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has over 110,000 members and is the leading professional institute for those involved in the management and development of people.

For a copy of the Employment Law survey contact Emma Price on 020 8263 3240 or email [email protected]

For Press enquiries contact Judith Cowan / Nicola Pierce / Gerwyn Davies on 020 8263 3232/3840/3365, Mobile: 07775 226593
