Minority employees receive less coaching

May 17 2006 by Brian Amble Print This Article

Minority employees receive less executive coaching at many U.S. companies. That's according to a new survey of more than 3,000 senior HR executives by Boston-based consultants Novations Group.

The survey found that of those employers that provide coaching, a quarter said that minorities get coaching at a lower rate than their proportional presence in the workforce. The balance of respondents that give coaching indicated minority employees are coached in proportion to their numbers.

Significantly, virtually no respondents reported that minorities receive executive coaching at a higher rate.

"While the findings may appear positive," said Audra Bohannon, Vice President of Novations' diversity practice, "representation of people of colour at the upper levels is still comparatively low, and for them the corporate playing field is not yet level."

Over the past decade, coaching has been extended to an increasing number of employees, observed Bohannon. "Access to executive coaching, mentoring and informal support has become a key driver for upward mobility within the organization."