Top tips for applying for a position online

Jan 22 2002 by Brian Amble Print This Article

This article first appeared on HR Look

  • Fully research the company's website. Test out the consumer experience on the website, to find out how that works.

  • Don't be rushed to complete the application online in one go. Print out pages if you need more time to complete them. Take time to understand the approach.

  • If possible, complete the form in an environment where you can


  • Answer all answers as honestly as possible. You will be asked about the answers you put in the online application in a later interview.

  • Do searches for the company on the web. Get as much independent

    background information about the company as possible.

  • Having completed the application once, don't fill it out again. This will produce duplicate applications, and will cause embarrassment for you.

  • Make sure the email address you supply is one you check regularly, as employers will want to get back to you and will want a quick response.

  • Write down user name and passwords for graduate websites for future identification.

  • Make sure you have your CV in electronic format. This will save time, as most websites will ask you to upload your CV, and you can cut and paste it into the application form.

  • Before submitting your form, double
  • check you have answered all the questions you intended to, and have not left any gaps.