Riding the Tiger

Nov 20 2001 by Brian Amble Print This Article

Managing is relatively easy when all is going well and for nearly a

decade most chief executives, along with their organisations, have probably

been coasting on the booming economy. But with signs of recession in the

offing, you need to be ready and able to manage your organisations and

employees through the economic turbulence ahead; 'to ride the tiger'. After

all, it doesn't follow that the skills that make you a successful

'peacetime' leader will translate well when the business world goes to war.

The warning signs of trouble ahead are usually obvious and with

economic uncertainty, come complexity, nasty surprises and hysteria -

typical reactions to these signs are stress and fear. They are primitive and

often intense emotions that can harm your business, affecting both your own

and your employees' motivation and abilities to think rationally. Although

you recognise that ill-judged or hasty actions can aggravate already

difficult situations, it is important to remember that we are all human.

Fear and stress are manifested more powerfully the more there is at stake,

which, as chief executive, means your reputation and organisation are on the


There is a real risk of captaining a sinking ship if you do not

react to the warning signs and identify a winning strategy. Whether fear or

survival spur your fighter instinct, depending on your sector, there are two

possible directions in which to take your organisation and both mean growth.

Your sector may offer opportunities for growth in difficult times and you

can take advantage of these for your business. If your sector is under

pressure, you can still plan and manage for success, thereby growing market

share even in a receding market place.

First and foremost, you must think through clearly with your Board

the appropriate strategic path for your company, but whatever the route,

there are three key and common success criteria: Be leaders, not followers.

Invest for growth no matter which path you take. Communicate your strategy

clearly and convincingly

Chief executives must take 'the tiger by the reins' and lead their

organisations. It is important to remain calm, rational and focused, setting

an example for employees and ensuring that they are prepared to make

effective and, perhaps, difficult business decisions, such as redundancies.

They must also be prepared emotionally to cope with the inevitable turmoil.

As such, many organisations choose to recruit for the position internally

where candidates know the business inside out and can hit the ground

running. It is therefore important for organisations to identify and retain

their key human capital. Alternatively, if organisations seek the

opportunity to grow business in new directions, they may want to think about

attracting high quality people and potentially poaching from competitors.

Organisations need to be leaders not followers to ride the storm.

They need to dare to think differently and not follow the pack or come up

with formulaic solutions. Innovation is vital for growth in new areas but

also for differentiation from competitors in growing market share. Although

pioneering measures are often only thought of as symptomatic of the good

times, it is during the hard times that companies have to innovate to

ensure that they do not flounder with the rest of the herd.

No matter what, organisations must invest for growth. To maintain

business but grow market share, you should redirect investment and focus on

your organisation's existing high performing areas and products, and protect

better working practices and culture. Alternatively, when seeking to grow

business you should redirect and add investment for growth, continuing to

focus on high performing products whilst seeking innovation and market

leadership. It is important for you not only to protect best practice but

also to incorporate new ways of working.

Although it may seem counter-intuitive to spend during the hard

times, wise investments both internally and externally will help lead to

growth. Companies should take a close look at old spending habits, identify

spending priorities and be stringent on cutting back on the expenses that do

not contribute to growth. Unfortunately, cutting back on expenses, (such as

biscuits as the BBC recently did), may ring of miserliness but by enabling

the company to invest for growth where it matters, the ends will justify the


Finally, it is vital to communicate and advertise an organisation's

positioning both internally and externally. Internally, this is key for

keeping employees on track and motivated. Externally, it is vital for

marketing and protecting shareholder value. Gossip can be one of the most

damaging forces to organisations, particularly at a hint of trouble.

Scaremongering becomes rife and if the wrong message spreads, it leads to

unfounded assumptions, disenchantment, demotivation and possible

resignations. Communication lines with employees should remain straight and

open, and tight control must be kept over the messages conveyed both

internally and externally.

Senior management needs to keep an ear to the ground, be in touch

with the grumbles but able to control them. Listening is therefore a vital

skill in effective communication. Managerial deafness can, in fact, lead to

the downfall of an organisation, as Barings found out by not listening to

Nick Leeson. It is therefore pertinent that trouble is pre-empted by

listening to the small rumbles on the Richter scale. Nevertheless,

communication and listening are easier said than done and many barriers

exist to clear understanding between employees and management. During

difficult times, it may appear that more pressing issues should be dealt

with before listening to minor grumbles. However, listening equips

organisations with knowledge from which senior management can make informed

decisions and devise thoroughly researched strategies, smoothing the path to


The right market position to take depends on the business sector. To

this end, it is important to understand the marketplace and the impact that

it has upon your business. It is up to you whether you choose to cage or

ride the tiger but by taking the initiative and leading rather than a

following, the battle is almost won. You must remain calm and focused and

avoid the psychological traps, invest for growth and communicate your

strategy. Keep the future in mind and you will not only harness the tiger you will be ringmaster.
