One in three Britons have 'thrown a sickie'

Apr 30 2004 by Brian Amble Print This Article

One in three workers in the UK have skipped work for a day because were too tired or hungover to face the office.

Women were more likely than men to take time off after a heavy night out (42 per cent of women compared with 35 per cent of men), while four out of ten workers have admitted to calling in sick so they could catch up on personal admin.

The research also showed that more than half of office staff had taken stationery home and over a third had planned a holiday during work hours.

Lloyds TSB Insurance said its survey of 2,000 people showed that the ‘sickie’ had become a "staple" of British work culture.

Lloyds TSB’s Phil Loney said: "British workers are obviously feeling under pressure as long hours and less job security take their toll and are seeking ways to put the odds in their favour.

"With the cost of all absenteeism standing at around £476 per employee per year, small business owners cannot underestimate the importance of ensuring their employees are not feeling over worked and under appreciated."