CEOs need to change their mindsets

Oct 23 2003 by Brian Amble Print This Article

Writing to us from India, Hillol K Nath observes that in today's IT age, many CEOs still follow the industrial age business model and often fail to realise that knowledge workers possess bodies, minds, hearts and spirits.

CEOs need to change their mindsets, he says, and start to realise the benefits of treating employees fairly, providing them with training and opportunities to grow and nurturing trustworthy relationships in which they are not treated simply as things.

We think that Hillol has put his finger on the pulse of today’s zeitgeist. Only the most enlightened CEOs have the confidence to not only live the values of the businesses that they lead but to also have the courage to live their own spiritual values and to transfer these as appropriate to the business as a whole.

Much has been written on the issue of spirituality in the workplace and no management thinking or latest book will ever truly capture the imperceptible subtleties that can create true momentum and change both at home and at work.

If today’s CEOs take the time to invest in better understanding the value that they can offer to the commercial world and to measure it in terms of heart and spirit as well as body and mind – then we would start to move from the quasi-industrial age Hillol refers to and start to embrace a new and exciting era in human development.
