Take a holiday to fight fraud

Aug 12 2011 by Brian Amble Print This Article

Here's an angle why taking a proper summer holiday is a good idea that had never occurred to us before. According to Ernst & Young, summer is the peak time for detecting fraud in organisations because alarm bells are often raised when company fraudsters are away on their summer holidays.

"We see a clear increase in fraud detection where companies enforce a compulsory two week break over summer," said Jonathan Middup, Partner at Ernst & Young's Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services practice

"Perpetrators are away and not able to cover their tracks easily. Frauds, such as accounts manipulation that are covered up in the course of the year are often spotted when colleagues take over and notice something is not quite right.

"The profile of a typical fraudster is a long serving, trusted employee, who works long hours and is reluctant to take their annual leave. Without doubt, one of the most simple and cost-effective anti-fraud measures is to ensure employees take at least two consecutive weeks holiday."
