Move over Barbie, here's SuperMom

Feb 21 2006 by Brian Amble Print This Article

You've heard of Barbie and ActionMan. But what about GeekMan, BossMan, MoneyMan and SuperMom?

supermom figureThese 6-inch plastic action figures are the brainchild of Happy Worker, a Toronto-based company making "toys for big kids". Each comes equipped with fun accessories, superpowers, and vulnerabilities – just like the real thing.

BossMan: "Leading a crusade to reach objectives he empowers, implements change and captures mindshare..."

GeekMan: "With oodles of brain power he authors code, battles tech holy wars and moves nerdom to new heights..."

MoneyMan: "Focused on ROI and the bottom line he fights for free enterprise and keeps working capital at work..."

Now, says Happy Worker's Shirley Yee, "we created SuperMom for everyone who's trying for that near-impossible balance of managing kids and work while standing on their head"
