Male execs afraid of being family-friendly

Sep 19 2004 by Brian Amble Print This Article

Research by headhunters Moloney Search reported in the Daily Telegraph has found that high-flying male executives are too embarrassed to admit they are late for work because of family commitments such as the school run.

The survey of of 200 male and female consultants, accountants, lawyers and senior board directors of FTSE-listed companies found that only 14 per cent of men would be happy asking for an hour off for a family crisis or commitment, compared to 98 per cent of women.

One business director quoted said: "I wouldn't admit to doing the school run or wanting to be at one of my kids' events because it might affect how my peer group perceives me."

Only one male general manager of a FTSE-100 listed company was positive: "I try to be there for my children's birthdays or school plays.

"When you wake up and you are 50, there is little chance you will want to see your ex-boss for Sunday lunch, but you are sure to want to see your kids so you should put your family first."

Daily Telegraph | Macho male bosses miss family events
